Test Your Automotive Knowledge With a Car Quiz!

Test Your Automotive Knowledge With a Car Quiz!

1 / 10

Which part of the car helps it to stop?

2 / 10

What should you replace if your car’s tires are worn out?

3 / 10

What do you need to change when your car’s battery dies?

4 / 10

Which part of the car illuminates the road at night?

5 / 10

What provides power to the car’s electrical system while driving?

6 / 10

What part of the car starts the engine?

7 / 10

What do you use to check the oil level in a car?

8 / 10

Which part helps to keep the car stable when turning?

9 / 10

What part of the car keeps the engine cool?

10 / 10

What fluid is essential for engine lubrication?

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The average score is 70%


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